Bittersweet Ski Resort is about 30 miles away from your rental but is well worth the drive! They have 20 courses of varying grades, a snowboarding park, and offers lessons for newbies.
Timber Ridge isn't much further and offers tubing options for younger children and plenty of special events year-round.
If you're looking for something smaller, Mulligan's Hollow offers a more intimate experience.
You don't have to pay for a ski resort to find great sledding in Saugatuck!
kid friendly Schultz Park
You don't have to pay for a ski resort to find great sledding in Saugatuck. There are plenty of popular local hills for free! including the kid friendly Schultz Park, the hardcore slope on Mount Baldhead (takes about a minute to reach the bottom), and the former Westshore golf course with a variety of hills to try out (we recommend the hill at hole no. 2).
the hardcore slope on Mount Baldhead (takes about a minute to reach the bottom)
a variety of hills to try out (we recommend the hill at hole no. 2)
We've put the nearby trailheads and snowmobile parking locations on a map for you:
If you're looking to rent snowmobiles we highly recommend KJC ATV Rentals & Trails
The most popular is Muskegon Lake. Lots of bluegill and walleye are available, with some pike as well. It's a large lake with public access and plenty of room.
Located in nearby Grand Rapids, Reeds Lake is another popular spot with with lots of crappie and some pike.
Another option is Pigeon Lake, but a strong current means that you'll be limited to sticking near the boat dock and the pickings are slimmer.
There's a winter wonderland just outside your front door -- the Saugatuck Dunes State Park is open year-round, and is known for its beautiful ice formations. The beach during a winter sunset is a uniquely Saugatuck moment that you'll remember forever.
Skiing and hiking on Mt. Baldhead is also a winter favorite, and the view from the top with a fresh snowfall is worth every step of the hike.
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